Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Entry 25


I didn’t realize I was screaming in my sleep until I opened my eyes and heard the dying sound of my voice.
Buh, G*d forbid bad thing o!
I looked warily about my room, leaned forward to raise the edge of my blanket then looked under my bed. Making sure that what I assumed to be a dream was definitely ‘really’ a dream…
I was coming home from a ‘night out’ then suddenly, up ahead; standing motionless at the very entrance to my street was a form that bore a striking resemblance to Nneka.
Before my eyes, the likeness turned into a lizard and began to stare menacingly at me.
As a normal [rational] Nigerian would do, first of all, I took a step back, looked both ways then pulled off my sandals and began to run (I didn’t want to wait and hear stories of how “dem shoot bird the mama come fly”)
The lizard chased me!!
I was being chased by a lizard.
It was when we both stopped momentarily to let an elderly looking dog riding an ‘okada go across the road that I noticed the lizard was now standing on its tail hands outstretched poised to push me into a hole [that suddenly materialized from thin air].
It succeeded!
In a blink of the eye, I was falling head first, hands flaring about into a hole that went on forever. I let out a confused cry and began to scream. I screamed as I continued to fall further into nothingness and I kept on screaming until I bolted into a sitting position (or, did I land on my bed?)
I opened my eyes.
Funny enough, I was not sweating. Does the absence of sweat mean that it wasn’t a nightmare? What are the parameters for classifying dreams into their various categories?

School is boring and slow, sometimes, I am tempted to set the girls hostel ablaze then seat back and admire my handiwork.
The sight of girls scurrying about in circles and the appeal of watching would-be-macho-super-hero boys storming in to the rescue would be enough excitement to last for say one week?
Buh, it would really be something but, I think I remember reading or hearing somewhere or so that arson is a punishable offense [sigh] there goes my genius plan!

Rumor has it that results would be posted soon. I wonder how mine would turn out.
Last session was a bit too ‘dramatic’ for my liking but, I don’t expect to fail (who ever does?)
5:47am, it is still ‘a bit’ too early to ‘wake up’ so, after I say a prayer for protection against ‘politically inclined’ animals [who else would want to kill for no just cause?], double check to make sure my windows, doors and curtains are firmly shut and my house hold is in order, I would have a brief nap before I eventually arise to conquer the day.
Night –night
- Tabby

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